Enjoy the Comfort of a Taxi Cab in the Sky! With taxi service offered by Gökçen Aviation, you decide where and when to fly by identifying your own flight schedule and thus you can use your valuable time in a more efficient manner.
Gökçen Aviation takes you from anywhere of your wish at any time you want and allows you to have both domestic and international flights by 2 Chyenne III A, 1 Cessna Citiation XLS and 1 Cessna Citiation XLS available in its fleet plus its business jets and experienced technical personnel for the purpose of its tailor-made flight schedules.
While you specify your own flight schedule thanks to TAA Gökçen Aviation's Air Taxi service, we take you, as our guests, to any destination you want in a safe and enjoyable manner with punctual flights carried out by our professional and experienced flight crew.
Many centers or airports in Europe, Middle East, Asia and Africa are reachable by a single flight from all airports in Turkey.
You will experience comfort in the sky with panoramic windows through the privilege offered by Gökçen Aviation...